Personal Site


This Website

This website was designed entirely by me. It uses a LAMP (Linux Apache Mysql PHP) stack, and is controlled by the corresponding admin page. This allows me to add new pages and sections without having to leave my web browser! Once the admin page has been properly secured and is in an acceptable state, I will post the docker image this is running on to my docker hub account (patrickelser) publicly. I use git to track this project. The image is a screenshot of this page in the administrator site.


Over the last year, I have set up and experimented with a docker-based homelab using a home server. I have set up a variety of services on it, from this website to a nextcloud instance to DNS for my home network. To allow for secure communication on my network, I also set up my own root certificate authority and imported the certificate on all my devices. This image is a screenshot of Portainer, showing some of the docker containers running.